The Best Ways to Protect Your Powersports Vehicle
Whether you like to compete in races, explore the great outdoors at high speeds, or just need a powerful and compact workhorse, powersports vehicles are the way to go. But these machines are an investment, and one you need to protect. We here at East Bay Motorsports want to help you keep on riding for years to come, so we’ve put together some of the best ways to protect your new powersports vehicle, below. To learn more, or to see the new powersports vehicles we have for sale, contact our store in Hayward, California, today!
Most vehicles of any kind will come off the lot with one warranty or another, either provided by the dealership or the manufacturer. A warranty provides protection for a set period of time against specific types of damage for specific parts or systems, like tires, the drivetrain, windows and mirrors, etc. You’ll often have a few options to choose your warranty from, ensuring you get the protection you want and need off the bat. Always make sure you know exactly what is and isn’t covered by your warranty, however—you don’t want to assume a defect or some damage are covered and then find yourself staring down a massive bill.
Insurance Plans
Most dealerships will require that you have an insurance plan lined up before a purchase is finalized, and even if they don’t, you should prepare one before you buy a vehicle. Like warranties, insurance plans are designed to help you pay for damage to specific systems or parts. However, these plans last for as long as you choose to pay for them. They can also be pretty comprehensive, but that’s dependent on how much you’re willing to pay. Basic insurance plans will help with minor issues and, once you meet a deductible, larger problems, but more comprehensive coverage is better in general—especially if you plan on riding in dangerous conditions.
Service Plans
Service plans are provided through your preferred service department and the coverage and benefits depend entirely on what they provide. They’re designed to assist with maintenance and average wear-and-tear, giving you discounts for things like oil changes, and other regular maintenance tasks. More comprehensive plans will help you pay for replacement parts and more in-depth repairs, as well, so be sure to explore all your options!
Safety First
Finally, the best way you can protect your vehicle is by staying safe. That means driving while sober and alert, driving responsibly, and going over a safety checklist before every ride. That checklist should have you looking over every part and system that you’ll need on the ride, including but not limited to:
- Tires.
- Brakes.
- Fuel and oil levels.
- Throttle.
We hope these tips help keep your powersports vehicle in one piece! For more information, or to see our new powersports vehicles, contact us at East Bay Motorsports. We proudly serve the people of California’s Bay Area—let us serve you today!